C a r g a n d o . . .


In our blog you will find the most up-to-date articles regarding new promotions, rentals, sales, security, tips, laws, and news related to the real estate sector and this wonderful region.

Can I still put my property up for sale at this time?
01 Apr

Can I still put my property up for sale at this time?

We are facing a very difficult time together right now, a truly unprecedented situation that has put everybody's lives on hold.

But you don’t need to put everything on pause if your dream for 2020 is to sell your property we can still help you begin to make this a reality.

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5 things you need to know when buying or selling a property in Spain
13 Jan

5 things you need to know when buying or selling a property in Spain

Things have changed a lot in the last few years when it comes to the documentation that is required at the time of selling / buying a property in Spain. In this article, I concentrate on the 5 main documents that need to be considered.

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